Sunday, May 5, 2019


Social networking : A curse and A boon

Social media is a curse or a boon?  This is one of the most frequently asked questions. It has three answers curse, boon and both. Most of the people think that it has both curse and boon. So, how it is a curse and a boon? How can we help ourselves to overcome it? So I have complied some of the positive and negative points of social networking.  


  • Family & Friends: Social media started as a space to connect with your known ones in an easy and convenient way. Many of us might have found our old pals from past, who were out of touch due some reason.
  • Reducing Language Barriers: With media we are able to communicate our feelings and thoughts on different topics with a large number of audience, and raise our voice.
  • Life Saving: Social Media Networks has helped in saving life in times of natural calamity by spreading warning messages, arranging Blood for Blood banks in times of need and sharing updates with a large group of affected public by an accident or violence etc. 
  • Opportunities for Business: We do not even notice, but as soon as we open our browser to access the web, we sub-consciously surf our favorite social media network just to check the latest updates. As social media marketing is cost effective and brands get huge audience, they are preferring social media as it helps them reach the customers directly with the help of data analytics.


  • Addiction: Many of us use it a lot and get addict to keep checking every now and then for updates, keep sending friend requests and comment on everything without even blinking. This leads to lot of exposure to eyes and at the same time brings the individual productivity down.    
  • Isolation: People around us in family and work space do require our attention and sometime we prioritizes the social media networks over actual interaction and it ends up in isolation. It has been observed in many cases, the lack of attention on social media networks brings depression and anxiety.
  • Fake News: It has been used by antisocial elements to spread rumor and create chaos or spread violence, which has resulted in financial loss or death of many innocents.
CONCLUSION: Just like every other thing in the world social media networking also has its own pros and cons. It is a very good tool for networking and reaching out to the audience with ease in comparison to old ways. But we need to be careful about the usage and be responsible while using it. If we use it to spread awareness for the good of society its a boon and at the same time if we use it to create fear and intimidate the society it is a bane! We need to be responsible while using...